How to disable pop-ups?

Click here to go back to SurveyTime after changing popup blocker settings.

How to disable pop-ups?

Please launch SurveyTime again from eTelmar site after changing popup blocker settings.

Internet Explorer :

To turn Pop-up Blocker on or off in IE, follow these steps:

Now user will be able to open the pop-ups from the specified sites.

Alternatively, you can allow a pop-up to open up for that current instance by holding (Ctrl + Alt) keys and simultaneously clicking on the link which you want to open.


Firefox :

To turn Pop-up Blocker on or off in Mozilla Firefox, follow these steps:

Now user will be able to open the pop-ups from the specified sites.


Google Chrome:

To turn Pop-up Blocker on or off in Google Chrome, follow these steps:

Now user will be able to open the pop-ups from the specified sites.


Safari :

To turn Pop-up Blocker on or off in Safari, follow these steps:


Microsoft Edge :

To turn Pop-up Blocker on or off in Microsoft Edge, follow these steps:

Note: There is no option to allow pop-ups for specific sites on Edge. This option will either allow or block pop-ups for all sites.